Being a modern React developer is not about knowing just React itself. To stay competitive, it is highly recommended to explore the whole ecosystem.
In this article I've compiled some of the most useful React component libraries that you could use to speed up your developer workflow.
Those will include anything from working with forms, charts, calendars, tables, guides, popups, colors, animations, music, images and so much more.
1. react-hook-form
React Hooks for form state management and validation.
2. recharts
Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
3. react-big-calendar
An events calendar built for React and modern browsers.
4. react-beautiful-dnd
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React.
5. react-table
A library for building powerful tables and data grids.
6. react-joyride
Create guided tours for your apps.
7. react-advanced-cropper
Create customized crops for your designs.
8. react-colorful
A tiny, dependency-free, fast and accessible color picker component.
9. react-spring
Spring-physics based animation library for React applications.
10. react-tsparticles
Easily create highly customizable particles animations.
11. react-popper
Position tooltips and popovers in an elegant, performant manner.
12. react-pdf-viewer
A PDF viewer made for React.
13. react-i18next
Internationalization for React done right.
14. react-icons
SVG react icons of popular icon packs.
15. audio-player
Music player with custom controls, playlist, filters, and search.
16. image-slider
Image slider component for your pictures.
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