21 Awesome DEV portfolios for your inspiration

21 Awesome DEV portfolios for your inspiration


1 min read

Featured on daily.dev

The internet is full of portfolios, and getting an employer’s attention in today's marketplace can be quite a challenge.

Here I have compiled a nice list of 21 awesome DEV portfolios to inspire you to build or upgrade yours. Enjoy!

1 - Sean Halpin

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2 - Marc Thomas

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3 - Hype4

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4 - Koombea

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5 - Daniel Korpai

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6 - Robby Leonardi

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7 - Bruno Simon

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8 - Rafael Caferati

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9 - Brittany Chiang

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10 - Joe Rutland

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11 - Jacek Jeznach

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12 - Kuon Yagi

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13 - Moonfarmer

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14 - Titus Klein

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15 - Jenny Johannesson

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16 - Riccardo Zanutta

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18 - Animal

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19 - Yul Moreau

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20 - Resn

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21 - Active Theory

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I hope you enjoyed the read!

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